Why Are Your Brakes Making Noises?
When your brakes start making noises, it might be time for some diagnostic work. This is your car letting you know it is time to pull the wheels and check for wear and tear. Many of the noises are an early warning system so you can safely stop the vehicle without hesitation. Here are some of the most common issues you might face.
Wear Indicators and Squeaks
If the pads are cold when you hear the noise, don't automatically assume it is time for replacement parts. Light squeaking noises could also be from brakes that might be overheating.
If you are driving when the squealing occurs and stops when you press the brakes, it might be the wear indicator. The tab is a small piece of metal attached to the brake pad. When it is time for replacement, it will drag on the rotor as a warning signal.
CPR and Grinding
Sometimes, a grinding noise could mean you have gotten some debris such as gravel inside of the brakes. If so, you are in luck, and just need to remove it. However, it could mean you have other issues.
When you hear the grinding noise, it could mean the brake pads are in need of replacement. The metal-to-metal means the pads are gone, and the rotor is being destroyed. CPR is an abbreviation for calipers, pads, and rotors making it a phrase used by many mechanics. It is essential you stop driving the car and have a mechanic fix the problem using CPR checks before you are left on the side of the road or worse, rear-ending the car in front of you.
Brake Shoes and Rear-end Thumping
Mechanics have discovered drums can create thumping noises in the rear end. A shoe is in the rear end that makes the car stop when you press on the brakes. The drums probably need to be resurfaced because there could be a groove formed in it from regular wear and tear. The shoes might be snapping against the plate, and you probably shouldn't continue driving until it is checked.
Rusty Rotors
Occasionally, rust can build up on the rotors if a vehicle is parked outside. You might notice a squeal or thump when you first drive off after the car has been parked overnight.
Brakes are an essential part of your vehicle and should never be ignored when unexplained noises develop. Some might be a simple fix, but others might require a mechanic like Care Muffler & Brake Shop for the job. The safety of you and your family depends on safe brakes.